Script to ease support

Exchanging with persons in the field we realize that collecting ALL the ressources related to a VM can be complex/time consuming.

We created this which works on any openstack VM.


usage: [-h] [--verbosity] [-o [OUTFILE]] N [N ...]

positional arguments:
  N                     names of the VM to collect infos from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbosity           show verbose msg of the openstack-client library
  -o [OUTFILE], --outfile [OUTFILE]
                        specify an output file instead of stdout

Source your openstack credentials and give a list of instances names or IDs.

The script will output on stdout (or file) a json with all the details of the related ressources. This includes: * ports * networks, subnet * console_output * metadata * image * flavor * security groups * volume


It you can run the openstack cli this script should work. Need to source your openstack .rc, i.e. have environment variable setup properly.