Public OpenStack

After lot of experiments and tries we recommend using Citycloud as a public openstack for testing Fortinet products. The scripts and demo availbale here are compatible with private openstacks or Citycloud. They can easily be adapted to other environment. Pull request appreciated.


Once you created an account on Go to line with user there a wheel on the right you can download rc file to get cli access Download your credentials in a openstack.rc type of file. (Name does not matter)

Add the following to your .rc file:

export OS_FLAVOR=1C-1GB
export EXT_NET=ext-net

List of Regions: "Sto2 Lon1 Fra1 Buf1 La1 Kna1"


  • No horizon gui (for now) but a Gui
  • Can't create your own flavors (not a problem)


To keep your cost down we provide a script to destroy ressources automatically:

cd public-openstack

Cloud images

For fortigate/fortios go to and download the last fortigate VM image. Those scripts start with 5.6.3 (previous version may work)