Fortistacks client on Docker (any macine)

Using a Docker image will require that you already have access to an Openstack.

Quick start

Copy your .rc file with the openstack credentials in fortistacks folder.

From fortistacks folder:

docker run -v $PWD:/fortistacks/ -v $HOME/.ssh:/home/ubuntu/.ssh/ --rm -i  --name fortistacks-cli  -h fortistacks-cli -t fortinetsolutioncse/fortistacks-cli

Or adapt to your folder layout. If you want to persist this Docker:

docker run -v $PWD:/fortistacks/ -v $HOME/.ssh:/home/ubuntu/.ssh/  -i  --name fortistacks-cli  -h fortistacks-cli -t fortinetsolutioncse/fortistacks-cli

Then your Docker is not removed after your stop and you can log, attach again. Refer to Docker documentation.

Once started cd /fortistacks/ and simply source your RC-file than you get from (link in the parameters of the user) Be sure to add:

export OS_FLAVOR=1C-1GB
export EXT_NET=ext-net

At the end of your RC-file first.

Advanced protection

If (like me) you have a middlebox in need for decryption for advanced protection. Download your middlebox Certificate authority in the folder and name it: Fortinet_CA_SSL.cer

Then run

docker build -f middlebox.Dockerfile --force-rm -t my-fortistacks-cli .

Simply change the name of your docker:

docker run -v $PWD:/fortistacks/ -v $HOME/.ssh:/home/ubuntu/.ssh/ --rm -i  --name my-fortistacks-cli  -h my-fortistacks-cli -t my-fortistacks-cli


Check Dockerfile in this folder to see how it is done.

shell $ docker run -v $PWD:/fortistacks/ -v $HOME/.ssh:/home/ubuntu/.ssh/ --rm -i --name fortistacks-cli -h fortistacks-cli -t fortistacks-cli