Fortistacks details

Please check Fortistacks 2.0 for a global explanation.


The fortistacks scripts/examples are built to be indempotent, you can re-run them without duplicating the result.

The scripts are made to run on an Ubuntu with sudo access. We provide the Docker image for a pre-determined environment. You are free to adapt, run on other environement (those are mainly bash/python), but please reproduce with the Docker image before raiing a bug.

See the Dockerclient for running on external Openstack on any client.

Working Examples

In every folder under the overall project you will find examples you can use directly with your customed build Stack (Openstack and/or MANO). In theory only the parameter file should be changed.

What you will find here

In the different directories you will find the following parts, read the README in each folder for details:

  • openstack This section will configure you CityCloud openstack to work with this project.

  • fortigate/fortios Those are very similar only the fortigate/fortios are highlighted. Target is at least 5.6.3 or 5.4.5 which makes config_drive optionnal. There is script in bash(read it to see the cli) and heat templates

  • cloudify In this folder you will deploy a Cloudify-manager (on lxc locally or vm if public) autoconfigure for using opentack then have the blueprint to use it.

  • osm In this folder you will deploy an OpenSource MANO instance (on lxc locally or vm if public) autoconfigure for using opentack then have the descriptors to use it.

  • fortistacks Script to turn a vanilla Ubuntu with empty partition into a system ready for fortistack. Can be ignored if using public or your own openstack.

What do you need (choices)

  • An Openstack:
  • Public ($) use Citycloud: create and account and go to public-openstack folder
  • Private create you own and go to ubuntu-openstack folder

  • Fortigate/fortios images check fortigate and fortios folder for scripted and heat examples.

  • MANO:
  • Cloudify folder depending on you openstack choice deploy manager then use the blueprints.
  • OSM/ same as above

This project is opensource and based under Apachev2 license. Every contribution is supposed to respect that. Don't put your company IP in here .. it is bad.


A youtube playlist will contain follow along video to be hands on Fortistacks

Previous versions

For stable versions of this project refer to : to find the release you like. The master branch will evolve continuously.

Fortistacks1.2 on Public openstack :

If you want to install your own openstack and use the same (on 1 machine) refer to Fortistacks1.1 the video applies to version 1.2.